Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More Pages

Dude, I have posted twice today. DUDE.

So, here is some more stuff.

Allison: You know, I did not think of this as having any Indian influence at all. Now that I look back on it, I totally see what you mean. But it's weird, cause there is really no Indian action going on here. I mean, it's set in West Iran, and is about Abrahamic reliogions (mostly Christian, cause there is the idea of a Hell, so not Jewish so much).
I still don't mean for there to be Indian-ness, but the crow-animal-creature is Indian seeming. But actually, he is supposed to be Archangel Michael, which you learn in about 7 or 8 pages in the text.

Do you guys get that? Is that the fox/crow is the same? The text makes it a little more clear.

OH! You can almost see his bidness.

Shit, I did the animal/Michael's speech bubble wrong. I gotta fix it.

Phew! That is my 30th page.

In a month I am 1/3 of the way to 100 pages. (About). This is so do-able.

Buuttttt I am not done with the freaking script. And, these 30 pages, are only about 4 pages of script. DAMN.

I have 29 pages of script, and the script is only like 2/3 finished.

These characters are going to need to stop having loaded pauses and meaningful looks between their speeches, and to stop DOING SHIT.

It is going to take me FOREVER to get to the hot stuff. The hot stuff doesn't come for like 20 more script pages, who knows how many comic pages. And the sexy bit is totally a mild PG-13.



Someday I will make a porn comic. Just pornpornporn. And there is business for that. People don't give a shit about my ideas on this relationship or religion or whatever. But they do care about boobs.

And so do I.

Anyway, here is some behind the scenes shit.

Just for curiosities sake, this is a really rough page. I usually do like 5 or six of these, then go through, clean them up and ink them. These take like 1 minute.

This is cleaning it up, right before inking. It does not take long to get to this point. But the inking takes FOREVER.


  1. yeah the floating trees are kindof distracting but its okay. what are you gonna do about that?

    the fox is awesome. did i tell you that already? I REALLY LIKE HIM. he's so cute and stuff.

    the story looks like its getting really interesting i want to know whats happening but you won't fucking let us read it.

    are you gonna keep their names as cain and abel?

    i can't believe you do these so fast.

    i want to leave you a better comment but i can't seem to think. i might be drunk. sometimes i think i am embracing the whole college thing a little too much. i love you and your comic makes me angry, jealous, proud, awed, and inspired.

  2. oh dakota. we all just want to draw porn. the only reason we come up with these elaborate storylines is so we have an excuse to draw porn and make it look legit.

    speaking of which, i found a blog that is dedicated exclusively to capping/uploading clips of movie sex scenes. it has been an invaluable resource. i feel weird using it but overall i feel less weird about myself because i am not as creepy as the person who is running the website.

    these are great. the only thing criticism i have (which might not even be a real criticism) is the fox looks really small in the last panel, esp. compared to its size in the other panels. but it's probably too late to change it and it's not that big a deal.

  3. hahahah rachael. i just want to go through your internet history. pretty soon you'll be downloading free porn because you're "pausing at certain moments to draw". you know there are jobs drawing porn. you could make this a career.
