Saturday, October 24, 2009

plenty o cowboys

a cowboy doodle that turned into hi-five the cactus, sortof

another cowboy


still life of professor's chair and jacket


name doodle



  1. I love the cowboys, especially the ones with the hat/gun pose. I have always likes that pose for some reason. They are just so confident. "Hey there little lady, Ima shoot me some injuns."
    The second one is kinda pissed. But that's also totally badass.

    I don't know if I can draw cloth as good as you. It makes me mad. Also, I think you are making really cool patterns, which must be inspired by Laura, cause neither Rachael nor I do that.

  2. I like the cowboy in the too small vest with the smiling cactus and all the animals laughing at him. A cheery side to the Old West.

  3. I love the white rabbit next to your professor. It's proportionately really cute but the eyes are freaky...which actually makes it even cuter for me! I keep catching myself staring into its eyes and thinking "rabbit....rabbit....rabbit....."

    I also really love the cactus. Its expression is so adorable

  4. That is not how I imagined the cowboy from high five the cactus. I thought he would have a cruel smile. Maybe I will do some fanart.

    I do like that you made him all happy. It's totally how I imagine high five.

  5. So, this is how I imagine Hi-Five... this is my co-RA's whiteboard and i wanted to do an advertisement for the concert.

    My favorite part of Hi Five is his angry side. So my hi-five is proudly bleeding, has angry eyebrows and is probably smiling maniacally under his bandanna.
