Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some comic pages and Blind Contours

Hey, here are some example pages of my comic. It looks better in real life, and hopefully it will look better if it's scanned in. Whatever.

The fun/difficult thing about making a really old biblical comic is there isn't that much reference. I mean, what did Adam and Eves home outside of Eden look like? What did their clothes look like? What sort of stuff was invented? How primitive/advanced was it? You can't look up historical stuff cause it didn't really happen. But that means I get to make it up, so that's fun. (Not a lot of creativity yet, cause it's just the beginning and I want their home to be primitive. This probably doesn't make sense, cause you don't know the plot... well, I guess all you need to know is that the main characters are Cain and Abel from the Bible. And it's set in the Middle East/Iranish.

The barley was actually pretty hard considering how easy it looks. The sheep was really fun to do.

This page looks kinda warped cause of the curve of the page.

The backgrounds are pretty simple now...


I love the way Blind Contours look. This one was of a statue of an Hindu God, I forget who. He has a lion face, I think.

I like these. It's Buddha and Hercules. The fun thing is they are from the same statue. It's this statue of Buddha, with all these Hindu Gods bowing to him, and Hercules is standing next to him, but he's way smaller. I love that all these Gods from all these different religions are hanging out. I kinda hope that's what it's like in real life.



    Dakota these look so good. Ho-ly shit. Especially the first page. Are you gonna do any additional shading/coloring or are these pretty much what they're going to look like?

  2. Hey, thanks Rachael.

    Yeah, there is going to be one grey tone, not so much for shading, but used for clarification. I mean, black and white is cool when done right, and I don't want to get into all out shading, so I am going to put a flat grew tone on stuff like the ground, or some outfits, stuff like that.

    I haven't done it yet because I don't know if I want it ink-washed or digital.

  3. i verbally commented to you. but i will add that i am so intimidated by you learning photoshop and illustrator. because it used to be the only artsy thing i was better than you at. but i suppose it is inevitable. i mean you are at art school.
