Monday, December 7, 2009

Bees are nice, but Baby, this post is all about the birds.

Hey darlin's, mama's got some drawings for you.

Here is a watercolor of a train I did. It looks better in person, as watercolors always do. I like painting machines, oddly. It's relaxing.

Here is fanart of a character from my favorite book getting onto a train.

A statue from the Art Institute. She is Jeftha's Daughter, whoever that is, and she has these beautiful little white chubby fingers oh my god she makes me crazier then any real girl oh man.

A picture of Robin the fabulous. Thanks Allison, for inspiring me.

I need to do more of those Daddy's New Roommate pinups, I just haven't had the time.

This one is inspired by those classical statues of Venus at the Bath and Venus in the Act of Undressing.

I mean, this is OK, right? Robin is 18? And butts aren't illegal. I mean, they show baby bottoms in art for grandmas all the time. This is not a sentence most good people utter, but I need to learn more about underage erotica laws.

OK, so this is a little messy. It's just some clips from the movie, not in order. And the chick looks like a creepy ghost thing cause in front of it is going to be the nest. I did it with the nest, and it looked good, but while editing I need it to be gone.

My favorite is when the mama bird is catching the worm. Probably cause that is the only scene completely done.


  1. i'm in love with you.

    i am in love with your train in a way i didn't know was possible. i can't even say more about it because looking at it makes me have these feelings in my nether regions that i just don't understand.

    i love you because of those robin things too. they don't look like robin to me but they are so risque!! hahaha.

    i just looked at the train again. i am trying to express to you how amazing it is but i can't. hopefullly my inability to express that to you will show you how awesome i think it is.

    p.s. your animation is crazy. i don't even know how you do that. the birds are so fat! i only wish i could see the mama actually getting the worm in her mouth. lol i mean that in a non sexual way. no innuendos.


    that girl statue is hot too. her face is beautiful. i would like to meet her one day.

  2. Hey, Allison, I am glad you like the train. I actually wondered about it, because I liked painting it and wanted to do more, but thought "People don't like looking at pictures of trains." Or, at least, I don't. Not that it should matter.
    But I'm glad you like it, because I may do more. It seems you like my more sepia color themed stuff. I like that stuff too, but I also like brighter, campier color themes, which I don't think are to your taste.
