Guess who isn't at art school but still gets a shit ton of doodling done?

I call the next series: Hungover, or Animals that want to die

Getting ready to be dexter on halloween.

There is one steampunk elevator in a library on campus. I tried to take a panorama of it but my flash and the shiny metal made the colors turn out weird. oh well you get the idea.

Here's a nicer one without flash where you can actually see the steam punkness.

Very nice. Except, you know what I did when I had more art? I put it into my old post, and just made that longer. You are just a comment whore.
ReplyDeleteJust kidding, this stuff it tits. You seem to have a mouth thing going on. All the mouths are dark and big and stretched out, plus, you have a whole page of them.
The first picture is really depressing. She looks like she is a drug addict and thats her home, and she's giving her parents a tour and they just said "How could you have turned out this way?"
I really like the way you shaded the nose one the third one, under the mouths page. It looks like what the talented kids in my drawing class do.
In the next one down, is that Evita? She looks like she's singing "Don't cry for me Argentina, for I am ordinary, unimportant. And undeserving of such attention. Unless we all are. I think we all are. So share my glory, so share my coffin."
I could go on. I know basically all the words to that friggin musical. I've only seen it twice.
Dude, you are really good at drawing guns. Like, I bet you don't even use a reference, and you got all this detail and shit. You could fake a gun way better then I can. Shit.
I love your suicidal animals. I don't know why, but the fish that goes on land is my favorite.
I wish there was a third mouth eating the head thats eating the dude thats eating the fish. The huge mouths gross me out, but in a good way.
Dude, yeah, I love steam punk shit. They are always building shit here, and a lot of times they are working on buildings and you can see all the pipes and rods and everything inside, and I think "wouldn't it be cool if they didn't need the concrete, and all the buildings looked like skeletons." Obviously it wouldn't work, but I thought it was a steam punk thought.
I like the minimalist Dexter costume. It's perfect. People who don't know it's Dexter will still get what it's about. Esoteric costumes are good sometimes, but not when most people don't get it. I think this is a good compromise.
(P.S. I think someday I am going to steal the Pokemon costume idea from you, and use it for my family, but less slutty. I mean, it's a perfect family costume. I could be Misty, Colton could be Brock, Brayden could be Ash, Sasha could be Pikachu and Brookelyn, who could be Togapi.
Of couse, this would be years from now, when I am home for Halloween. Colton and I want to do an Avatar theme, but that sounds hard.
"Animals that want to die." Just too good. Ha.