OK, I have been actually doodling now. I haven't been doodling for awhile, instead I have been drawing comics or little animation characters over and over and...
Anyway, I decided to just doodle, not think about what I was making and it was pretty fun. It brought me back to styles I haven't really done since senior year.
A paint doodle. This was less doodle-y, cause I have a basic idea in mind, but try to keep it loose and mindless.
OK, more Cain and Abel comics. I still don't have a title for this thing. The super easy one would be "My/His Brothers Keeper," but I don't want that. Something biblical probably. There are two comics I love, whose titles I love, and try (unsuccessfully) to get inspiration done. One is "Goodbye Chains" which is about a communist trying to end capitalism, and it is set in the old west. So that is a badass title. The other one is called "Metanoia" which is a Greek word and wikipedia says: "metanoia is a rhetorical device used to retract a statement just made, and then state it in a better way." And the comic is about a second chance. I think that is pretty badass as well. Also, its a similar theme to my comic, the whole second chance thing.
Also, I can't put it online without a title... choices choices. Oh well, I haven't gotten far enough in to do that anyway.
Also, I can't put it online without a title... choices choices. Oh well, I haven't gotten far enough in to do that anyway.

Oh no! What a terrible page! What a dark place in my comic history. This is the page where Cain becomes attracted... to a girl. Eugh. And you know what is gross? Shit happens between them. Why do I do this to myself?

This is my desk/workspace. I like seeing you guys' area, so I thought I'd post mine. With my ink, and my paintbushes and my movies and stuff. Yeah. Look at that view. (You can't see much in the photo, but it is awesome.
1. i am kind of in love with that page of doodles. esp. the eyepatch pirate and his crazy noodle arms.
ReplyDelete2.this totally reminds me of this weird collage i did with tom cruise and a mountain goat. i will try to find it for you.
3.this is gonna sound like a weird comment but your speech bubbles are so nice. it's probably because you pencil all of it out first. i am way too impatient and just go straight in with the pen which is why my text bubbles are all misshapen and you can still see sketch lines in the figures. your pages are very clean. also, awesome backgrounds on the second to alst comic page.
4. JEALOUS. i would be inspired every fucking day if i had that view from my desk.
that page of doodles was epic. i am proud. and i love you once more. i love your doodle style and the subject matter.
ReplyDeletei also like the crocodile and deer on john waynes shoulder. reminds me of this book about a nile crocodile and his best friend and toothbrush who is a bird. its called bill and pete. one day bill's mother gets captured by a poacher who wants to make her skin into a suitcase. but bill will have non of that. so he and pete go to the poacher's house and bill climbs the balcony wall and enters the house. for years i read this book without thinking twice about anything. but one day when i was reading it to amanda i suddenly realized that on the page where bill climbs the balcony wall he is actually walking up the wall vertically. like...a crocodile walking up a vertical wall. its hilarious. bill is actually really funny
he hides in the bathtub of the bad guy (who throughout the book is just called The Bad Guy) and then when the guy gets in his bath bill jumps out and freaks him out and the bad guy runs all the way to cairo.
okay that was a long tangent.
your desk is so nice. the light is so white, you have such a nice view from your desk, and its so clean. my desk is messy and stares at the wall. we have a nice window view but i can't see it from my desk.
also this is embarassing, which is cain and which is abel? i lke how they look different from each other. that sounds really simple but its important to have destinguishable characters. one of them has my nose.
p.s. touch the link for tutsmahbarreh.
ReplyDeleteWhen you said you did a collage with Tom Cruise and a Mountain Goat I had to read that sentence like five times because I kept imagining you, Tom Cruise and a Mountain Goat all sitting down together making a collage.
Allison: Cain is the one who kills Abel. (Do you know the story of Cain and Abel)? So, Cain is the one with long hair. Cains appearance has stayed pretty similar, but Abels has changed a lot during the planning stages.