Ok, this is my second dead prince. The last one was kinda French, with all the Louis the Roman Numeral furniture and colors and stuff. This one is more medieval I guess. Sorry Allison, for taking you're color palette and reversing it. I'm not good with color theory. I have the primary colors and that is it.
I don't like to be egotistical (I do) but the bruising around the neck looks pretty nice in real life.

EDIT: This is what the picture looks like with out and color saturation. I usually saturate the color so that you can see what is going on in the small view that we get for the doodlewall. However, I feel like I have gone too far with it recently, like the ladies who are addicted to plastic surgery and look weird but don't realize it.

This is the part of the comic for that dude I'm doing the comic for.
i like this strangulation much better. there are some shading issues i'm having with the wall but its a minor thing.
ReplyDeleteI love love love the thing you're doing for that guy. (wow that was a really unspecific sentence that could easily be misconstrued) the contrast is beautiful and the drama is great. i love hhow you shaded his face in the second panel. I don't know why but it manages to freak me out. the whole way you've done it is very eerie, as if we are staring in to this private moment that i don't want to see. i want to turn away but i'm fascinated. whats the story about?
a. i guess i am a comment whore. its just that once you comment on something i don't want to add to it because you have already seen that set together. does that make sense? its like if i put out an album but then i thought of another song i wouldn't start producing new albums with that song, i would release a single.
b. want to see comment whore? just watch i am about to post again really epicallly.
c. i hate how its just you and me and sometimes ashley and rachael. i guess it makes their comments more special when they do it...?
d. the past two days i have done no work for any classes and just did art all day. art and surfer sur internet.
this is allison.
signing out.
p.s. you're better at this black and white contrast thing than you are at watercolor. I think you're having the same problem i have with watercolor. I get distracted by the multitude of colors i can use and feel like using them. but what happens is that i end up using these bright, primary, campy colors and then the art looks...well...campy. I think that's what's happening to you.
p.p.s. rachael is so behind on comments she's never gonna want to comment again :(
ReplyDeletew. you do know that we can click the small view images and see them full page right?
d. i don't know which one i like better. the non saturated one (from here on out we'll just call it 'k') looks less campy and close up the fact that the colors aren't as saturated doesn't detract from it, however, the saturated one (from here on out referred to as 'u') is more eye catching even thought its campy. compared to u k just seems dull and low contrast. i think in the end what i meant is that i would have preferred it if you used less colorful 'rainbow'-like colors. thats alll. neither y nor k is better than the other.
t. i forgot to say but i like his neck and his head.