Ok, so this is my 3rd dead prince. He has been disemboweled. Basically, I had fun trying to make his organs kind of cute. Also, a more limited color palette so his organs would stand out.
Also, I love in fountains when they have those little boys holding fish and smiling. They have some in my favorite fountain, The Fountain of the Great Lakes. Basically, it's a statue of a bunch of ladies pouring water on each other, and each lady represents a lake. And there are the fish boys on the side. I would look it up if I were you. I love it and read there all the time. Also, Allison, you have been there a couple times, I talk to you there a lot.

This next guy was going to be another dead prince, but I'm not so sure. It just doesn't really fit in with the others, and also, I feel I could do more with drowning then this. But, I had fun doing the wet shirt effect.

These are some sketches from my life drawing class. This man was not as handsome as I drew him, but I accidentally made him look like Tom Selleck from Magnum P.I. and I liked it. He also reminds me of Commissioner Gordon a bit.
My class said these next ones looked like communist propaganda art.
A blind contour of a Bodhisattva, I believe.
This was one of those modified contour things where you couldn't look when you draw but you could in between things.
A dude dressed like Bacchus. He was sexy, but I did not capture that in my picture.
Secretly, I don't love my life drawing class. Six hours is too long to go without sitting down. And I get stressed out and don't make good stuff.
The floating dead guy is pretty awesome. Belongs in some cop novel.
ReplyDeletei like the color contrast in disembowlment but i dont like how cartoony his guts are. the floating dead guy IS awesome but it doesn't seem like he is wearing a shirt if thats what you were going for.
ReplyDeletemostly i like the life drawing stuff. its so classy with its other colors.
did i show you the han solo p.i. thing?
p.s. the last life drawing nude is really warped!
ReplyDeletealso for the drowned guy, the figure itself is really good but i think you could have thought about location better. the way the water looks is the way water in a tank, in a swimming pool, in a fountain looks. he seems to be in some random puddle. not really a river, not a lake, and the hills around him just seem like a side thought.
ReplyDeletekindof critical, hope thats okay.
It's fine, lover. I also thought the back ground was meh for the drowned guy, so that's why I don't want to use him for the dead princes.
ReplyDeleteI did the disembowelment picture so I could do the cartoony guts, but it's OK if you don't like the style. Different tastes. I like when cute gets morbid, and that is kind of what I am trying to do with this series, and it seems it is not to your taste to mix them too much.
I am surprised you like the life drawings. I felt kinda shitty about them. Thanks though.
Hi Neil! Thanks for commenting!
ok i actually love when cute things are morbid, like bloody bear (or gloomy as he is officially called) or happy tree friend style. i can't put a finger on why i don't like the guts. maybe because the whole style of the peice is baby blue, more cartoony than realistic, so what i would've did is probably make the guts have lots of cross hatching and look really dark and shaded and ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteYeah, you know, I thought of your bear, and I just don't really think it is the same idea. I mean, I also cant quite put my finger on it, but I feel it's different.
ReplyDeleteI mean, one thing I am thing I kind of feeling when I do these is a fondness of childhood and romanticizing childhood innocence and stuff, which is something I have been thinking about a lot in the past year or so. But I don't think I could ever go back to that innocent ideal, because my mind is spoiled by horrible thoughts. I find that a little depressing.
But I'm also thinking back and thinking about how I wasn't really as innocent as I romanticize myself. I remember in kindergarten with my friend Alex, talking about the breast size of girls we say. I must have been 6. (God, that is weird).
So I am trying to mix some of my idealizations of the innocence of childhood and the fact that I am really not a good person. So there is violence and sexual undertones but portrayed in a lighthearted way. So basically, the bright colors and stuff is intentional.
Of course, when I am making it I don't put that much thought into it. It's mostly subconscious. Also, I am having a fun time thinking of ways they die, and stuff like that. Idea wise, I am pretty happy with how these are coming out. The problems I am having with them are specific, like, "Oh, that shadow is weird." or something. But style wise, the things I am doing are intentional.