So I haven't been doing much art besides the comic recently, even in my classes much, cause my academic classes are surprisingly demanding.

However, I heard this title "100 Dead Princes" and it was like a punch in the stomach. It turned out it was the title for this girls art thing, and it was kinda sketchy and not really anything I'm into, but I couldn't get the title out of my head for weeks.
So, I am doing 10 Dead Princes. Whenever I don't know what to paint when I'm at home (not in class!) I'll do another dead prince. I have so many ideas.
But, I am not even really into gory stuff. It makes me a little uncomfortable. I mean, this is a macabre as I get... and it's all in pastels.
P.S. This is my second time painting barf.

Also, everyone was doing Hi Five Fanart, so I though I should do some too. Peer pressure... I can't believe I don't smoke.
It's basically the same as the others, except this one has animals. Also, the scanner made the yellows and greens super bright, but I kind of like it. I like the lightheartedness of a revenge story.
Like I said before, if I were Hi Five, I would not have killed the cowboy, because he didn't actually do any teasing, just got amusement from it, but I love that Hi Five did kill him. So badass.

Also, this is part of my storyboard for my short movie I am making. If things go according to my current game plan, this is what I will be doing for the rest of my life for money. (Right now I plan on being a storyboarder).

And, of course, more comic...

Cain! Do it now! He's asleep and can't fight back!!! And if you do it now my story will be way shorter! And more fun to draw!
Ach, but Cain isn't having those immoral thoughts at this part of the story. Shit.
okay so i love the idea of 10 dead princes. that sounds so cool. we should make that the title of our collaboration. sounds like a good story title. (or MULTIPLE STORIES!! A FRAME TALE!!)
ReplyDeletesorry i haven't been writing anything for us to collaborate on. this morning i woke up and remembered this long dream. i wrote it down, it was four pages long. I have half a notebook of dreams if you ever need content. I've been thinking that i don't think in the next few years i'll get good at art enough to ever make my own comic so i'm gonna take creative writing next year and see what happens.
also i'm really behind in my reading. like at leas six books (total) in two of my classes.
Okay, your dead prince is a good idea but i hate pastel colors. and i didn't like that he looks like the little prince. all together to cutesy colored for me. maybe you were going for the juxtaposition of the morbid topic with the cutesy colors. who knows. oh wait, you do.
I have to admit to loving high five. i love it. i don't like high five's rosy cheeks, but i love everything else. and i love the way the colors turned out. thats not how i imagined hi five (my doodle isn't actually how i imagine it either, i think i imagine it differently each time) but i really like yours. and the comic is looking sharp.
yeah i really love the hi five colors. i didn't even notice that the cowboys pants look yellow.
i found out that the asia collection of cornell libraries has all 28 volumes of lone wolf and cub. i'm so excited. i've been junkying off of wikipediaing that shit because i can't get enough. its so good. its a masterpeice. i even watched the shitty english dubbed movie version. but now i can read the whole series. start to finish.
and i liked tokyo godfathers. it wasn't amazing, like blow me off my feet. but the art was awesome, i loved the style of it, and the story was cute and interesting. there definitely were parts when i was really into it. but i guess i was kindof expecting some sort of miyazaki level masterpiece. i downloaded akira and am going to watch that too because everyone says its amazing.
love, allison