So today at work i had to work the satellite which basically means waaay the fuck out into the middle of nowhere at the end of the theater where nobody ever goes. so i just sat behind a register for 8 hours and sold stuff to like 15 people tops. aaanyways i was really bored and i drew on these cardboard things we punch out from boxes that hold drinks. if you look at it left to right its like a panorama of what i was looking at all day.

Also i drew my first nude. Dakota's been telling me all along that i need to learn to draw a nude but i don't know where to find them. i took a shower and saw myself in the mirror and was like, well here's a nude right there. so i drew me naked. it turned out pretty good (the body, not the face). so good that i can't post it because it'd be like posting nude photos of myself on the internet. But sometime in the course of the drawing i had this weird thought where i thought 'gee, naked sure is interesting. i wish i could draw rachael naked.' and then i felt unfair and was like, well what about dakota and then i realized that i wanted to see all you guys naked in a totally nonsexual way. i just wanted to. sorry if that is overstepping the line, but if you don't think that's overstepping the line, lets get together and get naked and draw each other!
I dont know what to say because I dont want to see you naked. I dont want to be naked in front of you. Maybe if we were all super stoned.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I totally love these. I think you should glue them on a white backgound and hand them up of something. It kind of bums me out that they are not all in the same rotation. My personal favorite is the candy machine. It looks... friendly. I dont know.
Did I tell you about when I got caught drawing on the job? My manager caught me drawing from a poster of two face on a napking. He took it from me, gave me a write up, and then pinned up the drawing by where we punch in and out. It was terrible and awesome.
Actually, I do also really like the hallway, cause that is some perspective shit, and the neck skin rolls on the bald man are kind of awesome.