Some of these pictures turned out blurry and i was too lazy to take them again focused. sorry.
This is amanda's character, flint westward again. She named him that because it sounds like clint eastwood. also this is very phallic unintentionally.

random weird doodle
have i told you i'm a little bit really into Dexter? you can watch it online. he kills people.
I bought a wonder woman coloring book for a dollar and decided to learn how to draw wonder woman. started out really hard to do as can be seen by my terrible wonder woman drawings.
Then i figured out that it's a lot easier if you use pencil first and pen later.
This wonder woman got a splot of red paint on her so i turned it into some kindof patriotic fireworks wonder woman.
No matter what i do, wonder woman is still a slut.
Amanda said this was creepy. I guess i agree.
yeah i know his head is too big for his body.
I asked amanda to draw me at a restaurant and this is what she did. i know i brag about amanda all the time but i thought it was really good. i still can't believe that she used negative space to do my nose. also it was so small and she used crayon! impressed.
i was in a stationary store and i saw all these cards that just had drawings like this on them. they're so stupid and indie and so easy to do. people make money making stuff like this little girl. its ridiculous. its just printed on nice paper.
i actually really like the last one! i think it's the shadow. i also like your wonder womans. i think the hardest part about serial art is repeating the design over and over again, and it looks like you did that pretty well.
ReplyDeletei also think the last doodle of dexter is the best. it looks like you only used two colors but the way you blocked the shadowing (as opposed to blending/gradating) made it work.
Okay, sorry for not commenting. Now I am.
ReplyDeleteI totally see what you are talking about with that indie shit. It pisses me off. These stupid little ugly ass cartoons, and everyone eats it up. Whatever.
Also, I am so impressed with Amandas. Damn.
You can't make Wonderwoman unslutty. She was good, and shes still cool, but she was made years ago, and according to their idea of femenism, she was progressive. Not anymore. Shes still cool, but she is an attempt at femenism made by a man in a mostly sexist community (superhero comics). I think it would be fun to try and make a not hyper sexual girl superhero.
I like the Dexter head even more after seeing it in person. Really cool.
Also, I like that Flint Westwood looks cute. Like a cowboy Astroboy. With a huge dick.
I like the