so we're drawing draped objects in art class.

10-15 mins

1 hr

1 hr. i title this one "freud."

i think i might actually have it in me to finish this thing. it's been in the works for six months now (counting writing, development, etc.) and i'm still going pretty strong. it's gonna take forever but it'll be so cool to have a finished product.
also, i'm adopting the first age-appropriate member of my harem: hunter parrish from "weeds."

i don't know why there aren't any good pictures of him on the internet. seasons 1-3 he's kind of a baby face but season 4 he bulks up and gets a haircut and DAYUMMMM.

mary louise parker is pretty hot, too.
and on a totally unrelated note, found this wonderful picture of jason bateman on the internetz.

missing all of you.
its like she exsists to make me jealous of her art skills. i HATE you and you have bad taste in men.
ReplyDeleteI dont think she really is happy to see him. I am not really attracted to any of the people you put pictures of. The boy is a product of Nazi-incest, and the girl is the result of a Brats-doll fucking a stick. (Big head and sickly skinny, it actually kinda grosses me out. Im glad your not a lesbo).
ReplyDeleteI like the mixture of the hairy legs and shorts. Maybe Ill rock that look someday.
I am turned on by your drapery.