So, I haven't posted in awhile. But I have begun doodling again...
So first... THE KISS OF JUDAS...

I doodled this in class today. I don't even really know if its funny. But really, you can't blame Judas, with Jesus being so handsome all the time.
Judas/Jesus is rad, but you know that it wasn't for real. Cause Jesus was actually into John. Seriously. John was "The apostle Jesus loved." Also, he fainted onto Jesus' chest during the Last Supper, and he was the only one who was young and hot.
I think I crossed over the line between eccentric and bad person...

Some sailor-boy. Whenever I say that I think of "soulja-boy."

Another of my doodling Jesus. (Doesnt that sound kinda dirty?) Its when Jesus is condemned and that dude washes his hands of responsibility. That part was a bummer. I dont really get why the Jews chose to free that other guy instead of Jesus.
Speaking of that, I don't get alot of the Bible. Like, why did Jesus kill the fig tree? And he got mad at some guy who wanted to bury his father before following him. And he says "respect your parents and be obedient" but then he says "leave your family and come with me." What the heck, Jesus? Your making it really hard for your followers. I guess its easier if you dont really think about it... which is 90% of Christians. Eughh. I wonder if they even read the Bible...

Some dudes...

I've taken a leaf from Rachaels book and started drawing people I want to have freaky sex with. (Ok, maybe Rachael doesn't want to have freaky sex, but you know what I mean). This is Tennessee Williams. Damnnn.

This picture taught me that I really suck at drawing from photos. Its supposed to be Tilda Swinton, but it looks wrong cause her forehead is about twice the size of this. I want to have super freaky, masochistic sex with her. Like whoah. Rachael, I know you probably cant understand this because you have boring taste in women. And men. I mean, really, your all into handsome and stuff. BO-ring.

John Henry. What a Hunk. I have been drawing him and drawing him. I kind of have the biggest crush on him ever.

Two gayboys. Yeah...
haha it is a little creepy that you're putting pictures of these people on the internet...hope they never find this blog.
ReplyDeleteand hell yes you should draw people you want to fuck. i mean you're never gonna get a chance in real life, you might as well find an excuse to stare at their image for hours on end, right?
and also, i may be traditional, but if you recall a certain conversation we had in high school: we were talking about whose world of drawings we would want to live in, and you said you wanted to live in mine because, and i quote: "everyone is super hot."
moral of the story: my way is better.
i love the jesus comic. so gay. so offensive. so dakota.
p.s. if i end up working in portland for the summer you guys had better come visit me. i am not even a little bit kidding.
ReplyDeleteYes, but not that I am drawing people I want to make sweet love with, I would rather be in my drawings... people are not so hot, but they are interesting looking/ or weird-sexy. (Like ugly-sexy). Also, they are often naked.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you stay in Portand over summer, you will become a portlander.
Also, right now I am looking up Catholicism vs. Protestantism. Catholicism is nuts, but its harder to be Catholic... I like their ideas better. Not the Pope is telephone to God thing, but at least you have to be GOOD. Protestants dont even have to be good, they just have to believe in Christ. What pansys. I wish their was a mixture between them... Anglican maybe, but that was made because Henry VIII was horny.
Im just saying, I feel weird researching and seriously thinking about joining a church right after I draw this comic. I know its contradictory, but... I dont know. Its all very confusing. I have been thinking about gay shit and Christian shit nonstop for about 5 years now. I am exhausted. And I am in the same place as I was before, except now I say the weird shit that goes through my mind. I am no longer a closet gay/perv/christianish/weirdperson.
Maybe Ill be like Joseph Smith and say "Oh LORD, what religion is the right one? What shall I do?" And God will say "Marry several women."
i have huge problems with the institutionalization of religion, which i know is ridiculous because religion is basically defined by institution these days. i just feel that ultimately a relationship with your god is a very personal and private thing, and while a certain amount of community and guidance is needed, i've felt so mislead and manipulated by religious authority figures in my own life that it's really made it difficult for me to go along with it. and not to get uppity and political, but look at what organized religion has been used for--everything from the medieval crusades to the palestinian suicide bombers who are brainwashed and bribed into doing terrible things, all in the name of God.
ReplyDeletei've definitely been floating spiritually and religiously for a few years now, and i don't like the feeling. believing very strongly in God and scripture and the church, while perhaps naive, afforded me a great sense of security. morals were absolute, the afterlife was defined for me, and yes, as a protestant, all i had to do was believe in jesus and be truly repentant, and my soul would be taken care of.
i'm not discouraging you from it at all, i'm just saying take all of it with a grain of salt. i feel like i know you well enough to know when certain things are going to rub you the wrong way, and hell--you went to saddleback for a while. you know how close-minded and insane the modern church can get.
and to be perfectly frank, i think the whole gay issue has driven me farther from the church and made me more confused about God (whereas it seems to have had the opposite effect on you). scripture, as you are well aware, gets pretty explicit about stoning homos and damning their souls for eternity. and yeah, i know that the Bible is equally explicit about touching pigs and not eating...figs? or something, and that those things aren't taken at face value anymore....but then i have to ask where you draw the line. who gets to decide what is read literally or not? and isn't all this just the church giving up ground to not go extinct in the face of changing times?
this is not a conversation we should be having via comments on our doodlewall blog.
fuck religion. i think you guys should just become heathen like me. its waaayyyy better.
ReplyDeletethe jesus comic made me lol. lyk rly. i laughed at my computer. i watched twelfth night today. i really like the story and the concept, its funny and entertaining, however the whole time i just wish they could talk regular. half the time i have no idea what they are saying. the only reason i knew what was going on was because my friend explained the whole thing to me. gahhh
p.s. dakota, maybe you should be like viola and dress up in drag and work for a guy and fall for him and have all these awkward moments because he's fallen for you too but he's confused cuz he's not gay, at least he thinks he isn't and then there you are in your boy dress. but then you'll releive all his fear by revealing yourself as a woman and then you can kiss pationately and be in love forever.