You guys.
You guys, if you are still friends with me after this post... well. You might not be. So, if that happens, then I want to say: It's been great knowing you.
Lot's of fanfarts belowwww. And a lot are more "colored doodles" rather then full finished pieces, so they are more for fun then trying to improve. These are my comfort drawings for when I'm bored or in a bad mood or something. So I'm not really looking for critique as much as to show you what I've been up to.
So, onward:
But first for the non-fanart. Still, it's kinda dirty.

70's from the decade series.

Eighties. Erg. I hate the eighties in almost every sense of the word. (Except shoulder pads).

I drew this in an oekaki, which I hadn't used in awhile. Turns out oekaki's SUCK. But this one was a "Nosebleed Oekaki" and people just drew boys with nosebleeds. I had to.

I like to call this "Boystown is weird, but not as weird as we thought." It really happened, and was a bit embarrassing. Also, my comic teacher really liked it. They were just the most phallic dog toys ever.

Ze Clark and Bruce for Rachael. I was going to do the cell shading, but I think I kind of like the flat colors.

Bruce and Dick. I want to be a superhero just for the sexy sidekick.

A weird idea I had that perhaps reveals the sadomasochism within me. (I was about to type "Dick turns me on" and then I realized how weird that sounds).

OK, this is the one that might be the breaking point for you, I fear. The Toy Story bondage fanart. I don't know how to explain it.
Seriously, I had to do this. It's a natural progression, I had a crush on Woody when I was a kid, so this had to happen.
Wait, I forget, does natural progression go:
Have childhood crush on animated toy->grow up->get over it
Have childhood crush->grow up->still feel your heart flutter in TS3->draw weird bondage fanart
I'm not sure, but I'm going with the latter.
Wait, I forget, does natural progression go:
Have childhood crush on animated toy->grow up->get over it
Have childhood crush->grow up->still feel your heart flutter in TS3->draw weird bondage fanart
I'm not sure, but I'm going with the latter.

My first bit of Holmes/Watson fanart I did while reading Hound of the Baskervilles. It was so fun I knew I had to do more. And OH BOY DID I EVER.

A quote from Hound of the Baskervilles that I was like "Whoah." Holmes is so badass and I want to marry him. Even though he's a total ass.

Crossover fanart, cause Batman was partly inspired by Sherlock Holmes, so I thought it was appropriate.

I wanted to doodle Watson's scar.

I wanted to draw Holmes' back. More doodling.

Watched the BBC Sherlock show, which I did NOT think I would like, since it's Sherlock Holmes, but MODERNIZED EW. I mean, when had anything been good when you take the victorian aesthetic OUT of it. But it is good. It's so good. And Watson is so adorable with his sweaters and gun, and Sherlock is so beautiful.

I read a little bit about how some people have theories that Holmes was biologically a female (whether or not he was just cross-dressing for convenience or because he was a FTM transexual was undecided), but I thought that was a fun idea. I love badass cross dressing women of history.
It's too much. I can't take it. FRIENDSHIP OVER.
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, the Toy Story one did kind of freak me out.
The oekaki (I have no idea what that is) one freaks me out too. Kind of American Psycho-esque (shit, now I want to do one of those too).
I love the mini-comic. Only three panels, but great sense of pacing/timing with the use of space.
Hahah i love the character designs--the dude looks like somebody I'd draw. What's the story about?
I love this Clark/Bruce entry! I would have never thought of it. What's the story? Looks like they're making up after a fight or something. I love how his cape is falling into Bruce's lap.
Dick/Bruce kind of freaks me out too. MAJOR PEDO. I'm digging the little details on the composition, though (i.e. Dick's foot on Bruce's leg).
I LOOOOOVE THE HOLMES/WATSON COMIC. So fun! Both of the characters have tons of personality.
Really love the composition on the last one, too. You managed to fit so much into one image. The fact of it being a reflection in a mirror, the sense of distance, an essentially panoramic view of the entire room--awesome.