OK, there is a lot of digital art here, but it's not that I haven't been doing any traditional art. I am slowly plugging along at my comic, and doing self indulgent sketches. I'm just taking a photoshop class and want to learn the digital medium as much as I can while I have instruction. Also, it's really fun.

This was for my photoshop class. We had to make a magazine cover with certain tools and things that we had learned in class. I made mine like a spoof on gossip magazines. Butttt about stuff you have probably heard me talk about before. (Victorian fashion, Oscar Wilde, and sexysexy Prince Albert and his sexy hair and sexy weird mustache).

Here is a picture I made while listening to lot's of Nat King Cole, who is so suave and I want to rub my face on his face. He's just so suave.

Did this to see how to do a ghost effect thing, and as a quickie for a deviant art couple contest. Not crazy happy with it, but learned some stuff.

Did this quickie yesterday, Bruce and Superman.

Did this awhile ago. I just liked the idea of the Robin's relaxing.

These next ones are all part of this decade series I am doing, and the great thing about a series is that it makes you draw tons of stuff that is NOT in the series.
Anyway, this is the first one, the Aughts or Zeroes. There is no good name. I just thought of JC Leyendecker, who I think Rachael might like, cause he draws BEAUTIFUL aryan looking men a lot. So handsome. So handsome.

This is the Ten's picture. It is totally based on Tadzio from Death in Venice, which I have rewatched. The swimsuits and clothes and colors are so sexy. I wish those swimsuits were popular again.

The Twenties. I just wanted to draw drag...

The Thirties. An orange grove. I tried to draw this while on pain meds for my wisdom teeth, and Colton said "Is that Jim and Dwight?" (From The Office. That's not a compliment).

The Forties. This was a fun experiment that I don't really love the end result of. I was trying line-less art. But I love Navy uniforms.

The Fifties. This is the first picture I drew COMPLETELY DIGITALLY. Do you get it? This picture does not exist in the physical realm. Doesn't that blow your mind?

The Sixties. This was inspired by Stonewall, where Butches and Drag Queen were some of the first people fighting back, and I thought that was a great team.
finally. okay i know i said i had this weekend free but nevertheless don't have a lot of time. so short and sweet:
ReplyDeletevictorian quarterly: really funny idea, funny headlines, love the beard, feel like magazine design could be more funny. thats sortof more what i do thought (i think you know what i mean) so i'm more critical of that stuff
nat king cole: like the background. proportions off. color scheme i think too dark maybe
cool idea for ghost thing, would like to see more/ elaborated on/other attempts. don't love the background.
gay stuff: i actually don't mind. it just looks like a guy in a superman costume with some business man. so it doesn't offend my dc fandom. 1. whats with the S? like seriously?
2. i like the positioning/framing. seems truly candid.
i dunno how you make nightwing plump in all the places where he isn't plump. also batman looks very hastily done compared to the other two. of your drawings in this style not my favorite. fave still is probably the batwomen
LOVE the guys with the car. their positioning and outfits are just adorable. and i love their bodies. everything about them is perfect. only thing is that the background suuuucks compared to the foreground. maybe try some effects to make it darker/more foliagelike. i'd have the green bits be darker.
like. once again background looks like they took this picture in front of a fake background. like.
gay one: well....i dunno. proportion seems weird. facial expression of guy getting kissed also strange.
thirties: I love LOVE LOVE LOVE this one. i LOVE the color scheme, their outfits positioning facial expressions everything. but i think what really does it for me is the mood created by the colors you chose. his hand is a little huge (haha little huge) on the guys shoulder but man. their tiny waists. love it. and love the orange tree effect.
really really like the style of no lines. i dunno why but its so cool this one the last one and the one after i showed to my friend reed cuz they're so cool. very interesting style. would like to see more. the shininess of the shirtless guy intrigues me.
LOVE THIS too. fifties one is GREAT. i think i especially love the use of pink and blue. pink lines for that guy and blue lines for the other. and i love the scene. i love whats going on and how its staged and EVERYHTING about it. love love love. only thing is background girl. gotta work on that. but all in all it doesn't detract or distract from this one so bravo.
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this one too. LOVE it so much. details are great. concept is amazing. i actually love this for the concept. i like the art in the previous one (fifties) better but because its such a cool concept i like this the best. the only thing is grounding on the drag guy. he kindof seems floaty and i don't really know if he's stretching or if his hands are tied up there. also work on scratch marks, unrealistic, as well as dress rip. still though, this is so great. makes me want to be there with them.
more soon.
love allison