whoops, forgot this one. put it in the category of me being at the airport for five hours.

These are laura's doodles from our scottish literature class. I really like them, especially when i look at them all together. Laura and jeremy said it reminds them of this artist (i have never heard of) whose art is directions. He writes directions and then other people make his art. anyways i am neither the child of architects nor an architect so i don't know who that is. but it reminds me of mondrian. At the MOMA michelle (abstract artist friend) said that he was looking for purity in lines.

So this is the part where I was stuck in an international airport for 5 hours. Its cool because i drew the whole time and i think you can see me getting a little better as time progresses.
This appeals exactly to my sense of humor. I don't laugh out loud when i read it but it makes me so satisfied.

This is my final for one of my classes. Its supposed to be a visual representation of the frame tale. I'll probably end up explaining it to you and some point. i'm a little obsessed. I REALLY procrastinated A LOT so i did it all in one day. So i feel like i could have done a better job on it. But the concept is good.

Love you all.
The "random" artist is Sol Lewitt. Here's one of his instructions being put into life!
Ok, first off, I love your airport drawings, so much that when I went, I wasn't in a drawing mood, but tried anyway cause I loved yours so much.
ReplyDeleteI like the first one, cause the guy looks so pissed off. And the one of the lady and the girl under her is so sweet. On the airport-scape one, did you sign your name to a sketchbook? In general I love your non-figural drawings a lot, I think because I find those so hard to do, and yours look like you had fun, and you don't look like you are intimidated by perspective.
Speaking of that, I love your inside the plane thing. Whenever I am in the plane, I think "There is nothing to draw." Meaning people. But you totally owned me by drawing what you actually see.
I love the Arabian Nights book. I think the clear plastic worked great, and I hope we can see it. Do you have it at home?
I wish you had more time so you could have colored the people, are maybe done more black/white contrast, or something besides outline black and white. Maybe silhouettes? The rest is so designy that I think the people should also be.
The only other feedback I can think of is the book could be prettier, but maybe you couldn't find anything good. If you had more time, you could have bound something. I think we need to learn some book binding skills, because I suck at it and want to learn.
I really like the purple bordered page. In part because I love those colors, the turquoise and stuff.
I was unsure about the mirror idea, but I think it worked out really well. Would look cooler when holding it, obviously.
And I hate that Laura can do patterns like that. I love looking at patterns, but hate making them, and am super envious of people who can make them. I like the first one, (the shaded squares) best. It looks like an animation or something to me. Friggin love it.
Thanks Dakota! I like that one the best too but Allison (cough cough) yelled at me when I started to do the shading.
ReplyDeleteI love your airport drawings Allison; I especially like to imagine you staring at various people for tens of minutes or so. Good times.
Also, I like marveled at your project for about a half hour before turning it in. I think you all should do more 3D art/sculptures because this blows my mind. What did you get on it?