"If seven king's daughters here ye hae slain, Lye ye here, a husband to them a."

Ugly-Sexy guy i was doodling whilst talking on the phone

This was inspired by dakota's hazards of love fanart, except william's a stupid ugly deer.
It reads, "she could do better".

and she's such a slut.

This was supposed to look like margaret but just looks like a little girl/doll...

Myself as Sharahzad, amanda as Dinarzad, and anonymous guy as my future husband.
One of them i attempted to water color, the other i attempted to color pencil, but i had to scan them black and white because i did it in the library the day i was supposed to turn them in. I really like the way we're all seated. it seems perfect which is rare. Usually i imagine something and what i draw doesn't measure up. The color pissed me off but i still like it a lot.

So this is the real McCoy. I just wanted to try out using photoshop and trying to do a one page comic. i pretty much wrote the rough draft for this comic when i was five or six. i just thought it was so funny that hungary was a place. in the original version (from when i was five or six) it ends with him saying that he's lost his appetite. but i thought it would be funny if it ended in awkward silence.

The first time i uploaded it, the file was too big and the colors came out like this. i kept it up cuz i thought it was pretty funny.
drumroll for the next one.

Something like this is what dakota can expect for her birthday. I know i should have kept it a secret but i am so bad at keeping surprises quiet. I just get so excited.
Your ugly sexy guy actually is ugly sexy. He looks (to me) a little like Dexters brother, but ugly. And sexy. Its weird. I like the way you did the detail in the eyes and the mouth. Also, YOU WERE TALKING TO ME ON THE PHONE I AM FAMOUS.
ReplyDeleteI love the Margaret/William. I mean, who has heard of an ugly deer? I love that idea.
Also, it is a little weird that she is into deer, but he is an albino deer. Kinda sexy. But also he is a fawn, so she might be a pedo. Do you think she was disappointed when he turned into a man instead of a boy?
Also, the picture of her as a slut... I want to print that out. I laughed for real when I saw that. I love that William is so not into it.
I love the Arabian Nights picture. I like the one on the left best (thats the watercolor, right? Your face is nicer in that one. I was surprised when I clicked it to see the big version that the guy is awake. I like the formal-Amanda and relaxed-you thing. It makes me curious about the story, even though I know it. You should tell Amanda the story, then tell her about how she reminds you of it and give her this picture.
DUDE! I too made many Hungary and Turkey jokes when I was a kid. It reminds me of a baseball joke my dad told me. I forget it except for the lines:
"Hu is on first base!"
"Who is on first base?"
"Hu is on first base."
"That is what I am asking you! Who?"
There was more to it. It was long.
Also, I love the penguins showing up. What the fuck. I like the ending.
THE ROBIN!!! Dude, not I cant wait till December. Oh my god. I am going to die waiting. I have the Batman/Robin picture on my wall and I had it on my last dorm wall, and my wall at home. I am planning on having it framed and keeping it forever. Seriously, it is one of my favorite things I own. I only took 3 sentimental thing with me to school. My God Eaters book, my stuffed Dog and the picture.
So the idea of another picture from you... I am gonna jizz in my pants.
allison, when did you get so good?
ReplyDeletei am serious.
i told dakota this, but i feel like i am plateauing art-wise while you two are growing in leaps and bounds. i have mixed feelings about it...on the one hand i feel like i need to step up my game to keep competing with you guys, and on the other i feel kind of like a proud parent watching you guys get better (even though i really had nothing to do with your improvement).
i can't believe the ugly-sexy doodle. that is a DOODLE, for god's sake. you used to not be able to make yourself do that level of detail unless you were being bribed/threatened, and now you're just kind of haphazardly cranking it out. fucking awesome.
and i really want to see your arabian nights-based illustrations in color. they look really good.
and i know the hungary/turkey jokes are old and everyone's heard them a million times before, but i thought it was so cute. your comic style reminds me a lot of lela lee.