I have posted the first chapter of my comic on facebook, for only you dudes to see. I am disappointed by how fast it goes, but I knew it would go that way. I mean, it's the beginning and I had to set up a lot of stuff for the story, so it will seriously slow down from here on out.
My main concern is "does it make sense?" I ask a bunch of specific questions under certain pages, trying to see if I managed to make myself clear. If you read it and you don't understand something, say so. Hopefully it is something that is cleared up in the next couple of pages, but I have had this idea in my head for a long time, so maybe I am not able to communicate it well. If you read it and understand it, cool, if not, I'd like to know.
Also, reading it, it seems super cheesy and dumb, but I think it's cause to start the story they have to have all these extreme emotions. After this there are no more extreme emotions for like 2 chapters. Just vague contempt from Abel and uncomfortableness and lots of guilt from Cain.
So, yeah.
Also, I have some pictures.

The Field Museum is so cool. I had to go to the pirate exhibit. They advertised it so well, and I saw Captain Bellamy's treasure, which was lost with his crew in a storm, and it's the only pirate treasure found. It was huge piles of silver coins. I had a real desire to bury myself in it.
Also, in his crew was the youngest known pirate, John King, who was about 9. They found his shoe, and his tibia. They were both so tiny.
I found a picture of his shoe/bone.

It was my favorite thing to see in the exhibit (besides the treasure). It was just so tiny, and made me stomach crunch up when I first saw it.
They also had cool paintings depicting the pirates.

They were painting by this dude Gregory Manchess, who's style I dig.
This was another more fun, actiony one.

Also, they have tons of cool skeletons and taxidermed animals. I kept thinking "what a cool job." Can you imagine taxiderming a tiger? Or a giraffe? I saw all of those, and it seemed so fun.

There are always tourists riding around on segways. I tried to be nice in the beginning, but not they ride around in parks when I am trying to read and relax, and they are loud. Now they piss me off.
These next photos are for Allison.

This is a tour bus that follows me around everywhere. It always sneaks up on me. I turn around and BAM it's there. The tagline is "World's Most Killer Dad" He has red juice dripping down his face.

Also, Allison, you will recognize this. I'd never seen it in a store before, and I had to buy it.
Sorry for all the photos, but since I did post almost 40 images in this post, I felt it was justifiable. Also, these are distractions in case you think the comic is shit so far. It might be, but even if it is, I think it's salvageable. Now that the story is set up I can get to the good part. The long endless build up (which is always my favorite part of a story, and I'm almost always bummed when the build up is over).