Welcome to the doodle wall rachael!! thanks for posting and making my doodles look like CRAP. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. god.
OH MY GOD i was listening to mitch hedburg's last cd and one of his jokes is "i got pissed at the crowd last night and i told them to fuck off. then i felt bad so i said, Alright fuck back on!" hahahah and he also says "burittos!! they're sleeping bags for beef!!" hahahahaha
i wish i could get my scanner to work because i'm sick of these shitty picture i take with my webcam.
This is rorshach from Watchmen. so this is like fanart i guess. i couldnt get the shape of his face but this is a picture of him in my favorite scene from the whole book. You have no idea how much i love that book and subsequently how much i am excited for the movie.

his name is patriotic horse. he loves america in the fifties.

My friend who is in the architecture school gave me a really sweet pen yesterday. it writes so thin. like .3 or sumtin

Dakota, I am reading another book by adrian tomine. its called summer blond. i am reading so many graphic novels its crazy.
You know you love me!
-Gossip girl
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