Here's some stuff from the circus zine I made.

Here's the cover and back cover, colored. I printed the actual cover in black and white, since it was less expensive, and when it was printed, it took away the hand made, older feel to it. But this was fun since I am trying to work on color schemes, since it is a weakness of mine, and this was good practice.

This is my Fat Lady/Bearded Lady Romance comic. It reads better in 4 page format then scroll down, but it was fun to do, making a cute fairy tailish comic without words.

A quick watercolor I did and forgot about till I found it today.

Character design I might use for a short comic

More character designs.

A character design for a longer comic I want to do... someday.

This is what my comic thumbnails look like. I think they are kinda fun. This is 8 pages of thumbnails, WHICH I HAVE DONE. I am so close to being done with my 26 page comic.

Plan for a drawing that I thought looked cool.

Character designs for my animation. A knight and a dragon.
They are both so fun to animate, the knight is fun and spritely, and the dragon is slow and heavy and SO HARD TO ANIMATE

A pin up of a contortionist for my circus zine.
I was a little nervous about this since the contortionist came out looking younger then I meant for him too, but a couple of people (including my comic teacher, which was a bit awkward) assured me it was OK.

My Clown spread, in color.

One of the comics.

Trapeze Pin Up

Clown lineart, which is was appeared in the zine. I was pretty happy with this when I drew it, and still am. This pen is just so fucking wonderful.

This was the first circus thing I did which inspired me on my whole circus kick. I did it after hearing Joanna Newsom's Monkey and Bear, which you should listen to Allison. The story and the way it's told blows me away, and the way she says stuff like the lines "But Ursula we've go to eat something. My love, I swear, by the air I breathe, sooner or later you'll bear your teeth." Her voice at that part blows me away.

I had to make a comic in response to Hellen Jo's "Jin and Jam" which is SO good. I love her art style. And the comic is basically a bunch of teenage girls fighting, which I never knew I craved until I read her comic.

I miss playing art games, so I went on this Sherlock fan site and said I would take requests, so I did a couple. This one someone asked for "fluff" where Sherlock and John are just relaxing at home.

This one someone requested I illustrate their story of Sherlock going crazy.

Somebody requested cowboy Sherlock and John, and I was like "OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT"

Someone wanted Sherlock in lingerie, but they requested it after I myself said it would be the best ever, so yeah. Benedict Cumberbatch is just so gorgeous in such a fucking weird way.

This one I did myself, after watching Sherlock, the BBC Office, and the American Office. Martin Freeman (the short one) plays John Watson, and Tim on the BBC Office, and the dude on the right is Jim from the Office, who is Tim's American counterpart. So, yeah, this is a three show crossover.
MORE Office fanart, which means that I have now done more Office fanart then anyone in the world.

For the last season or so, Andy and Darryl’s friendship has been focused on more and more, and in more and more adorable ways. I told my brother they were a bit slashy, AND THEN THE LAST EPISODE.
Daryll: Andy, look, all I know is if I was a girl, and I had to choose between a tall dude who loved Asia, and a you lookin’ dude who loved sweaters and wearing sweaters… I’d choose you.
Andy: That’s really nice, thank you.
Daryll: And I’d blow your mind.
Of course, Jim and Pam are my OTP forever.
Daryll: Andy, look, all I know is if I was a girl, and I had to choose between a tall dude who loved Asia, and a you lookin’ dude who loved sweaters and wearing sweaters… I’d choose you.
Andy: That’s really nice, thank you.
Daryll: And I’d blow your mind.
Of course, Jim and Pam are my OTP forever.
Actually, once I had this sex dream with Jim and Pam, where Pam was in a relationship with me and Jim, and we were competing for her, and I felt really intimidated since Jim is some stiff competition. Pre-dream I did not have a crush on Pam, but post-dream, I totally do.
I almost never have sex dreams. I've had like 5 EVER and never with people I want to have them about. Pam was the best one. I wish I could control this shit.

This was a project for class, where we had to take some dialogue and avoid drawing talking heads, and make it interesting with panels and stuff. I took my dialogue from Maurice by E.M. Forster, which is always in my favorite 3 books. The whole book encapsulates exactly how I felt figuring out I was gay, dealing with religion, growing up, and it was written by Forster in the 19th century but hidden until the 70's. It's so romantic too. Oh man.

I just wanted to draw something with Robin and Batwoman. HRMG I AM GAY FOR BOTH OF THEM

There is a Robert Downey Jr x Robert Downey Jr slash group on deviantart, and that BLEW MY MIND so I had to make this. Steampunk Iron man was fun, and still working with colors. I drew this with my new pen that I love SO much, and will probably post more about later. It's so fun.
(Edit, fixed the hand a bit, was going for foreshortening, but it was too big)