So, more stuff.

Another sidekick pin up, I did Spock, (and a bit of Kirk).

Just drew these after seeing all these cute girls walking around downtown. I wanted to draw skateboard girls, bright colors and a Shirley Temple-ish girl.
These next two I did after hearing a podcast about ninja...

I heard about this kid who let moths into a mans house, the moths covered the lights, and he snuck in under cover of darkness and killed the man.

Here's Prince Yamato, sometimes seen as the first ninja.
To kill his enemies he disguised himself as a woman so as to get close to them.
Basically, he Bugs Bunnied them.
I really wanted to draw pink cheeks/inner thighs, and these posed/foreshortened hands. Still working on color, and trying to keep it simple.

I actually have no way to explain this to you, without explaining like every episode of Sherlock. Just thought I'd post it. (Also, I don't keep posting art from this show to tell you dudes to watch it. I'm not sure you would like it. I actually feel you might actively dislike it...)

I can't believe it took me so long to draw crossdressing-Holmes, considering that shit is CANNON baby.
Also, I got REALLY into corsets for like 24 hours, where I thought they were the sexiest ever and was amazed at how changed the body became with a corset, and a even found stuff on male corsetting, but now I think I'm over it. It kinda spooked me towards the end, with the people who go too extreme. But I'm still mildly into it, just, the passion is gone.
P.S. More and more I am realizing I only like about 3 colors. Turquoise, brown and grey. Red is nice when it goes with turquoise. I think I am going to do some color play to get me out of this compulsion. I mean, I like these colors, and am OK with favoring them, but right now I feel like I HAVE to use them. So I wanna try some new shit.

Some Holmes/Watson fanart, where I am trying to avoid using cooler colors and turquoise, since that is all I use.

Some more Batwoman and Renee fanart. Good subjects for warmer colors.

More Sherlock stuff, and more using warm colors. I miss blue and turquoise...
Anddd I just did this one. My friend asked me if I was into gore and violence about a month ago, and I said "No, not really." And I think I was telling the truth, but immediately afterward I have been desperately wanting to draw blood and violence. I don't know what that is about.