Not really, but I am having a lot of fun with it. I can color my lineart in a fun, semi-mindless way. I go into a really great art coma. I have more stuff from finals, but until I find a good way to photograph it, I'll post stuff I've done since coming home.

Ohhhh man Nightwing is awesome. And you know, Robin has been my favorite since I was in Kindergarten. I just freaking love reading about them interacting. So reading Red Robin and other stuff like that makes me make things like this. (This is Dick and Tim by the way).

More Batwoman, and Alice, one of her first villains. I just can't wait for her to start crossing over into the pre established Bat-verse. When she met Batman for the first time I squealed.

I wanted to do a boy boob. So I drew Abel in a slutty outfit. I am so happy to be getting back to the comic. I have finally finished the 2nd part, and at the end of the 3rd part, one of the brothers starts to have complicated feelings for the other. It's about to get awesome.

I'm reading this book, Stone Butch Blues, and it's so good. But even before that I had a strong desire to draw butches and looks at butches and be near butches and and and and I can't think of anything I wouldn't want to do with butches.
Also, I put this on deviantart and I was happy to see it's pretty popular. There are people have the same taste as me!