Sorry, was grossly busy. But I've made lots of stuff. This isn't all of it, just sketchbook stuff and some fashion illustrations.

OK, this was practice with photoshop coloring. I have been reading a lot of yaoi manga, (they have thousands of scantalations online! I never knew! My 13 year old self is weeping). But I always love the covers and inside art. Also, they often have fun engrish on the cover. I want to make faux yaoi covers, and this began as one, but then I actually kinda liked it and colored it, with that stupid touch pad on the laptop. I wish I at least had a mouse. So I got tired of it pretty quick, but the skin and hair of the one boy in the turquoise yukata came out nice, using layers. I'm gonna do more of these.
My teacher's still bumming on my about my manly chicks, but now she's good natured about it, seeing it's just my taste that she dislikes (the smaller eyes, thicker necks, broader shoulders, etc). I like this girl, she reminds me a bit of Hillary Swank.
My teacher was actually pretty happy with this one. She's kinda cute.
This is pretty close to how our model looks. She is so beautiful.
Portrait of a girl in my class, who has the hugest eyes I've ever seen, and was wearing an adorable pinstripe baseball shirt, which is a fetish of mine.
We had a boring looking model this day, so I drew different faces, making up chicks I would do.
Apparaently hook noses are a nono in fashion, but I love them. Also, I thought the pants we drew were fun.
Okay, this is stuff from my moleskine sketchbook, which I have been filling like crazy. It is so fun. The paper is really nice with ink and certain pens.

Trying to figure out this outfit Abel will wear like a hundred pages from now.

Girl and fox from my movie.

Jesus and John the Evangelist. Man, I love drawing these guys.

The one on the left is after a Pontormo, who's painting I love.

Last Supper Jesus and John. Eugh. Love them.

Cain and Abel, and early drawing of possible Reynardine.

Tadzio ideas for a terrible paint on glass animation I did.

Adult Reynardine. Not actually at all how I imagine him. I imagine him much manlier.


Tadzio and the other boy in their freaking outfits that make me crazy.

Satyr and Boy

Trying to figure outfits for a later part of the comic. Not done with it yet, but Abel's is inspired by Persian lady outfit. I'm excited for them to not wear rags.
Loosely inspired by Reynardine. I did this in 24 hours, which, I have to say, is ridonculously fast for me. I started it as a distraction for my Fox's Bride movie, but now I think I'll finish it.
[Edit] Damn, this doesn't have the whole video! Whatever, you'll see the whole thing soon enough.
Quick stop motion movie I made. I want to redo it as a longer movie, with more scenes, but I need to make these puppets better, and honestly, I am not super great at stop motion.
P.S. It's Allison's birthday or something whatev.