The recent flurry of activity has made me feel like I should update.
Recently the vast majority of my free time (and some of the time when I should be working) has been spent dedicated to a desperate, doomed effort to hammer out a written draft of my comic book before school starts. I have next to nothing in terms of art at this point, but here are some progress notes.
The final cast list:

Christian Bale as Marco Capaldi (34): our suave, sexy, and oh-so-mentally-unstable antihero. Inherited the throne of the Italian-American mafia at age 17 (the governing body of the American Mafia, "the Commission", is actually currently a power-sharing agreement between the five most powerful crime families in the country; the system is designed specifically to prevent one man from having too much authority, but for the sake of the story I modeled the structure of the Commission after its early form in which one person is in control) from his father, infamous mob boss Delano Capaldi.

Leonardo DiCaprio as Jared DiSano (no I did not do that on purpose) (32): Capaldi's childhood friend and second-in-command.

Jason Bateman as Frank Connors (39): Former operative for D'Asola Strategies LLC (see below). Married, father of two, retired from the world of military and political intrigue for a few peaceful years until he's dragged back into service as a result of Capaldi's rise to prominence.

Angelina Jolie as Gia Meric (42): Former executive of D'Asola Strategies LLC, a highly controversial private military company. D'Asola was previously one of the US government's largest private security contractors, but spent most of its years in the public eye fighting off accusations of espionage, perjury, torture, etc. As existing government agencies (i.e. the FBI and the CIA) get bogged down in controversy, the the need to create a new agency arises, which is how the State Security Agency is born. The SSA is essentially D'Asola working under a government charter; Meric is appointed Director of the SSA and retains most of her staff and (inter)national contacts in the transition.

Mary-Louise Parker as Leah Connors (40): Frank's wife of 12 years.

Daniel Craig as Aaron Anderson (48): Meric's second-in-command.

Marion Cotillard as Sonja Korhonen (26): I don't want to give anything away with her and I can't think of anything to put here without doing so.
I've figured out the major plot points; I know which characters are going to live and which ones are going to die. I'm in the middle of writing a couple of big dramatic scenes but none of them are really linked together yet. I've been wrestling with the story for over a year and I'm realllly hoping I can get something out of it, but let's just leave it at that there's lots of sex, betrayal, death, and Christian Bale walking around in a suit, so this can't go too horribly wrong.