Allison's redneck adventure:
as you guys are aware of, my aunt married a redneck. thus i have a redneck extended family, whom i stayed with for most of thanksgiving break. I spent most of the time being depressed about my pro-military-the-human-race-deserves-to-die-all-they-do-is-hate-even-you-hate-me-allison-i-am-going-to-die-for-my-country, previously really-sweet-considerate-chivalrous-fun-talk-to-for-hours-best-buddy cousin sean, but the other times i was doing redneck things like helping neighbors hang dead dears they shot. one of them was a six point and it was so beautiful. even though it was gutted already and blood was dripping out of its mouth it was still gorgeous. is that weird? i mean part of it being beautiful was its long neck and how limp it was. i guess that is kindof weird. plus (i told you already) i shot guns.
(pictured below from left to right) the shells of the guns i shot:
12 gauge shotgun, AK47, 45 XD pistol (what liz shoots in hellboy II), 380 pistol, 22 long rifle and pistol. (the rifle and pistol shot the same caliber bullets so i only took one shell for those two guns)

This is from life. It shouldn't count as a doodle since i spent at least an hour on it, but i am really proud of myself so i'm putting it up. it looks even better in real life, i can't wait to show it to you guys when i come home. this gun belonged to my cousin's grandfather. it is a real cowboy gun and it shot the .22 cal which is the smallest shell i am holding in my hand in the above picture. I was so in the zone when i was drawing this. eventually i didn't even see the gun, all i saw were so many lines and colors. Actually, i didn't like that, staring at it so long that all i saw were lines. Even though it made me draw better, the gun lost its meaning while i was drawing it and it became only lines and shapes.

so it was like four am and i was experimentin with negative pictures in the dark. and guess what? i'm so scary in negative in the dark! look at how scary i am! its like a japanese horror movie! just imagine this head like, coming out of your toilet.

I look like an anime character in this one don't i? isn't that weird? I look like tidus on the cover of ffx.

The snake is saying, 'hehehe' i think this is so silly. i love it. this is also from my latin homework. Sometimes when i am supposed to be doing my homework and drawing instead, i think to myself, "if what i really like to do is draw, then instead of doing homework i should take art class or go to art school." but then i remember that i slacked off in art lab too.

This is from a few months ago. You guys, i am a wonder with a black pen.

In Latin today i just kept drawing delicious cinnamon rolls. i actually don't like cinnamon rolls when they have icing on top, but i drew icing anyways. Sorry this is hard to see. i drew it really small and my camera sucks.

i love you guys! just two more weeks and then we'll all be together again! i miss you. miss you. miss you. miss you. and love you. love you. love you.
-the divine ms. m